The Man in the Bar | Teen Ink

The Man in the Bar

October 25, 2016
By fictionfanatic GOLD, Garland, Texas
fictionfanatic GOLD, Garland, Texas
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love doesn't hide it stays and fights. It goes the distance. That's why God made love so strong." "The road to life may be long and hard but know that God is with you every step of the way."

There's a bar across the street inside it’s very bright and open. The bartender is asking the man seated in front of him if he would like another drink, and seated diagonal to the man sits a couple. The man nods sliding his glass back to the bartender so that he pours him another drink. The music that's playing is jazzy and the man leans over to his wife telling her how he always hated jazz. She gives him an irritated look, rolling her eyes. The bartender tries striking up a conversation with the couple which doesn't last long seeing that the couple are the type of people to only care about themselves. The man who sits by himself glances every now and then at the couple. He wonders why he even came here in the first place seeing as how he never ends up finding anyone to strike up a decent conversation with. He pays for his drinks slipping a few bills under his last glass of whiskey. He then walks out the door and heads towards home thinking to himself this may end up being routine for him drinking away his sorrows, wondering why he’s so alone.

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