Imagine a Fox | Teen Ink

Imagine a Fox

December 13, 2015
By EchoingSummer BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
EchoingSummer BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here's to not fitting in. Be yourself, even if you're the weirdo." - Soul Glow Activatur

 Imagine a fox. A fox with a round head and a skinny snout. His head is so large that it's impossible to understand how the fox can balance it on his tiny body. The fox has little brown paws and wide, red ears. His tail is round and fluffy and this fox holds his head high with pride. He's got big brown eyes with such a glassy reflection in them that it would make you want to squeeze him and never let him go.This fox was trotting through a winter forest with its trees so tall and its branches so thick that the frosty floor was as dark as midnight. 

Surely the fox would have to creep carefully over the rocks and roots in order to find his way through the shadows, but no. For a hundred years the fox had walked the same path everyday and by now he was apart of the path and the path belonged to him. The proud, head-strong creature strode over the soft layer of snow, pleased with himself since he had become accustom to the icy sting. You see, for two-hundred years it had not snowed in the dark forest so this was a new discovery for the fox. He splendidly swished his tail over the white powder and rose his little paws up and down, acting as if he himself owned the new frozen water that had appeared overnight. 

As the fox neared a clearing some sun rays were finally able to break through the tall branches and warm the creatures furry back. He never ventured near the clearing but today was different. The fox came so close to the forest's edge he could gaze out over the vast plain of land that stretched on for miles until it ended were the forest began again, which look like a faint dark line with no meaning. 

The fox marveled at the vastness of the space. He started to leap up and down, overflowing with joy for he had discovered a treasure. Before him lay a blanket of snow, stretching out for miles and miles all for him to frolic in. To go racing through and to roll around in. Here was his paradise. Here was his happiness. The sun shone down on the diamond specks, revealing a hidden rainbow and making the snow look all the more inviting. 

The fox puffed out his chest and strained his form. With his large head, skinny snout, tiny body, little paws, and fluffy tail, he was going to rule the snow. He was  going to show all the small peering eyes of the forest that may be watching, what it truly meant to have joy. 

The fox stepped out onto the plate of powder with it bowing under his feet, crunching with his steps. The fox released a pleasurable sigh, soaking in the blue sky and warm rays. He was free. 

The fox prepared to bound out into the open, but before he could take another leap the snow caved in under him and he went tumbling down into the freezing darkness. 

The forest was silent and still. Nothing breathed. Nothing moved. Many seconds passed before the creature popped up above the surface and crawled back to the shadowy woods. The fox shivered his way back to his home with his head hanging and his tail sagging. His little paws barely dragged through the mud.

From then on the fox looked before he leapt, making sure something was really as pleasurable as it promised. 

The author's comments:

This is simply a short story that can teach a valibule lesson.

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