Whatever | Teen Ink


September 20, 2013
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

Jack made his way towards the bathroom. Every few steps he would stumble, but he continued walking. I mean how could he not, by drinking Johnnie Walker he was obliged to keep walking. Of course after the first few cups it wasn't that hard, but after most of the bottle it was quite the challenge. He opened the door leading to the bathroom. The music suddenly got quieter, the people fewer and the light brighter. He went to the sink. A guy was washing his hands there. Jack didn't know him, though he didn't know most people at this party. Maybe even the host didn't know them, Jack would be surprised if he did. The guy walked past him and out the door. Jack was alone, he got his phone out trying to concentrate. He was clutching the sink and curling up. There was no way to go but down. He fell to his knees, removed his hand from the sink and sat down, back against the wall, feet stretched out, phone still in hand. The screen was so small it was so hard to focus on it. Unfortunately moving it closer then further, then closer again didn't help. That seemed so weird. The letters were moving in a very strange way. God, it was so hard, but after a minute or two he managed to click on the call button his finger wiggling a little in the process, naturally. But let me tell you this it was not an easy task, but he had managed. I think that calls for a drink, though I don't know if he could take in more without everything going out, if you know what I mean. Oh wait, I guess he doesn't need any more. He puts his phone on the ground and makes his way to the toilet on all fours. And that's when the revenge of the Daniels came. It was not a pretty picture, i think we have all seen it, so no description is needed. Suddenly to Jack’s astonishment his phone spoke. Was it possible he had a magic phone. Wait! The call. He moved quickly to the voice repeating "Hello, are you there?" He put it to his ear and started talking. "Hi! Sally!" "Jack, what's wrong? It's 3 am!" "Oh, you know, I just wanted to see how you're doing!" "You're drunk aren't you?" "No! What gave you that idea!" "Well, I don't know, maybe the fact that people nowadays put everything up on twitter. Michael just tweeted: 'Sick party! Walked out of the bathroom! Jack was so drunk!' And that's so with four 'o'." "Wait, that was Michael?!" "Bye Jack" "No! Don't hang up!" "I'm sick of you only calling when you’re drunk. For f*** sake have the balls to call me sober!" "I need you Sally!" Short silence, followed by a sigh "Why can't I be mad at you! Where are you? Scratch that, Melissa just checked herself and 30 more in! How did she have the time!" She hung up. Jack was alone again. Not that Sally had been with him, but in his imagination she was sitting right next to him. And it wasn't hard to imagine that when you can't open your eyes. It wasn't his fault the light was so bright. That was when Jack truly understood what it feels... To be a vampire. A real vampire not like Edward. Should he get out of the bathroom. Was that a spider? Whatever. Then something that was probably a someone, though by the sounds coming his way it was probably two somebodies. That was Jack's cue. He stood up - another hard task. Wow, today was definitely a productive day. He did manage to stand up with the help of his good friend - the sink. "You've been really helpful today." He tapped the sink twice and turned around. Yes they were two somebodies and they walked, or ran, I don't know how to describe a two people making out fiercely, one pushing the other before they are finally to be merged, against the wall… in the bathroom of a person they may or may not know. Magical isn't it!? The dream of every teenager. I mean what more could one ask for. It was quiet and hopefully private. Perfect! And yes one would say that word with an evil grin while intertwhining his fingers, if you prefer the description like Mr. Burns that is fine. I was trying to be creative, but you probably just want to follow Jack and his adventure if crossing the route from the bathroom to the exit. Hey! I don't blame you, it's cool, who doesn't like a good adventure. Whatever. The music got louder and louder every step he took. There were definitely a lot of people at this party. Oh look, there's the girl that finished school with an A. Aw and look at that guy she's grinding against, they look in love. Wait, is that Isabelle and Mary, Jack didn't know they were playing for the other team. When did they get so hot! No! Jack had to concentrate. He tapped someone on the shoulder and asked where the door is, unfortunately he wasn't yelling loud enough so he did it again, but louder and that is when the song finished. Awkward. The girl then smiled, nodded, maybe said ‘you're insane’, then the music started and seeing the puzzled look on Jack's face pointed to the direction of the door. Jack's worst fears were confirmed. It was all the way across the room. Damn it! He started pushing the people to go through. Some of them gave him dirty looks, some didn't notice, most just looked his way, trying to focus on the person passing by, but not managing, because of the shots they had had. After what seemed like forever Jack got to the door and opened it. Immediately smoke hit his face. He had forgotten about the smokers. At most house parties, people can't smoke inside, because the parents might find out their precious child's friends smoke. What a disgrace. They might even say it right before they light their own cigarettes. Good parents one might say. With a great child, it doesn't smoke or drink or get high or have big parties, and it never will. Oh! There is our host. She is looking for her lighter with a cigarette in her mouth. Being the handy kind Jack gets his lighter out of his pocket and lights it for her. Such a gentleman! She looks up at her hero and smiles while taking in the smoke. Which soon covers her view of the person in front of her. She takes the "filthy thing" as her parents had said before she agreed with a look of disgust on her face yesterday, out of her mouth and thanks for the assistance. Jack tells her it's a great part, sincerely… really, then he says his goodbyes and heads to the sidewalk. He sits down. Again a real challenge, though to be honest, standing was harder. He puts his head between his knees. His hands are crossed at the lower part of his feet. In a few minutes he hears a car pull over. He pushes his strength to the limit by making himself raise his head. Then he sees her. The girl he can always count on. Sally goes to Jack and steadies him to his feet. Then she pushes him lightly towards the car. She opens the door with one hand, while keeping the other around Jack for support and balance. The boy sits, well falls in the carseat and closes his eyes. He hears the door next to him open, close, then comes the roar of the engine and he feels the car starting to move. He manages to open his eyes and look at the person next to him. „I’m sorry Sally. I messed up and I lost not only my girlfriend, but my best friend too” „Oh, It’s alive!” She quoted the famous movie so she can mask the fact that she had been waiting to hear these words for three months. „Why didn’t you say anything when you were sober. Why didn’t you say anything the past three months. Why know? Why like this?” „Because the only way I could have the balls to do this IS like this. I don’t know any other way.” „So you had the balls to tell the maths teacher that she seriously needs to go and suck it, literally. But you don’t have the balls to tell me how you feel.” „I’m sorry, ok?” „It’s not ok! I’m sick of you only wanting me when you screw up. So I can fix your s***.” „I didn’t know you felt that way.” „Well, I do and I am sick of it. I’m done. After today don’t bother calling me. Drunk or not.” Silence. Not an awkward one just pure, undisturbed silence. Jack was thinking about what to say. Sally was thinking about what he could say to change everything. Probably only three words, said with meaning. But she knew he would never say it. He didn’t… her train off thought was cut of by Jack. „I can’t do that Sally. I can’t stop calling you. I can’t live without at least hearing your voice. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I get out of this car and walk away knowing I’m never going to talk to you. I can’t do that” „You’ll just have to manage.” „I wouldn’t be able to… I… I love you Sally. And I’m not saying it just because I’m drunk. I’m just sick of all the parties with the loud music and the alcohol and the smoke everywhere and stains on my shirt I can’t explain. And people twitting about me calling the teacher a b****. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep up with my reputation.” „I never thought you’d say this” „Does that change anything.” „I don’t know. We’ll see” While they were parking the car the party was still going on a few blocks away. With all the high people lying on the sofas looking around, but not really seeing anything. With people dancing, doing shots, some heading to share an unforgetable moment in the bathroom, or in the backyard, anywhere where there weren’t too many people. And of course the smokers going in and out with their packs of cigarets in their back pocket and their laighters in their front. At least they don’t get that drunk. And there is the host. In the kitchen putting an unknown substance from a bucket in a cup. It’s obviously her first cup of this particular drink, because she smells it. It smells like jelly beans and alcohol and some other stuff. She takes a sip. Is that vodka she tastes behind everything else. It’s probably tesco value. I mean it doesn’t get better than that. And let’s not forget that we can’t remember the party without a hangover. And when you drink from the bucket you can remember it best. With your head hurting and the sound of aspirin in your cup. You should hope that fixes it, because there is the train coming. Your conclusion: it was definitely a quieter train yesterday. Oh, who are you kidding! Just go back to bed. Time to be merged in a more comfortable way with something prettier. Scratch that, not prettier, the pillow hasn’t looked better. You close your eyes. You make a mental note to never get drunk, but then again there is another party next week. Oh well, you’ll put it on your new years resolutions. The bed has never been more comfortable. Finally sleep takes you. Is that a face of disgust I see. Yes that first sip is always the worst. But the host has to manage and to be sure why not take another sip. Not that bad, is it? It gets better. After a few hours she will be dancing on the table with a half empty fourth-fifth cup. She started from the top and now she has hit the bottom more that three times. That girl really likes her juice. People starting to realise what they have been doing, just like Jack continue heading out of the door from time to time, ashamed, but soon it will all wear out. I mean, whatever. It always does. But no matter how many, just like Jack leave, the party still goes on. Right untill the morning, when the people left see their cue, the sunrise. And suddenly their pillows are the prettiest, their neighbourhoods the loudest and their aspirin the most non-efficient. But I mean, whatever.

The author's comments:
I present to you the most ironic short story I have ever written. I think that the story speaks for itself, so I am not going to present you with a discription. It was inspired by a song from Arctic Monkeys and a few parties I have been to. Of course there is a little overreaction, but I think that is nessesary for the understanding of the piece. I hope you enjoy it!

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