What is Life? | Teen Ink

What is Life?

June 6, 2018
By J.Welch BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
J.Welch BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is life? LIfe is fighting for what you believe in or even trying to survive so there’s no death or being around positive people who support you in everything you do, like family members and close friends. Although life could be something great then everything would be terrible and you don’t know what to do in life. Either because of a person since people change people in life or could be a tragic event. For example Grandma A funeral in 2014. But when she was alive, she was the best never gets mad at anyone, but concerned. She’ll give twenty dollars just for being yourself every time you would enter through her house. It wasn’t the money that made her great but the thought knowing that her grandchildren are coming over to visit. Watching movies together underneath the covers while eating popcorn or even playing with all of the other cousins with the Xbox or going outside until we all become tired. As years go on we as cousins became older and more mature, so mature that we don’t see each other that much because we're adults now or in college. Although there are sometimes where we will come together but it’s not the same since there has been a long pause in our lives. Grandma A. Pause. Pause is when everything has stopped and the awkwardness has filled the air. Nothing to do, nothing to say it’s just there. But then life comes into play and everyone is happy again. For example the Arizona trip in 2009. Going to a hot place seeing the cactus with the flowers, the dry sand crawling over your feet. Thinking who could live here every day, all day, all year? But then we pull up to Aunt Michelle’s house thinking oh yeah her, she lives here every day. Seeing her, uncle Ron, Blake, and Bruce brought all of the joy and happiness because they were so eager to see us which was very exciting. For once playing outside was very exhausting because it was hotter than hot on a regular summer day. Playing on the sidewalk drawing pictures with all of the colorful chalk was one of my favorite activities to do outside. While drawing a flower wet spots of wetness falling into my picture right above me.

“Oh! Rain! Wait, rain! Run inside” I said with caution

As life was filled with joy and blood pumping in my body at the fast rate, blood was also running out of my body and realize that I slipped and fell scrapping my leg. What a shock, what pain, oh what pain. Joy is gone pain and sadness entered. Dad came running out saving me as I sat there in sadness. Inside now, dad cleaned my leg off and put a band-aid on while I was pretending this was it, my life over because I was running inside trying to protect my hair.

“All done, girl get up you’re not dying haha,” said my father with laughter

“Oh, okay thanks, dad love you!” As I gave him a hug and continued with my play time. Playtime. Playtime everything you ever imagined comes to life and everything was great, you are in your own world with nobody bothering you. As if you are the only person on a whole different planet living a whole different life. Different life everything is well, different just you and no one else. For example, home alone with your older brother while parents at work on a summer day in 2005.

“I know the cheetah girls phone number,” said my brother with sassiness

“Ooo what’s their number cause you know I LOVE THEM”

“Oh, I can’t tell you it’s a secret, I promise not to tell anyone”

“No way” Rolling my eyes while grabbing the house phone. Next thing I knew was a lady asking “What’s your emergency?”

I didn’t know what to do I just froze, I was so still that my brother had to take the phone away from me and hung up. He started to yell at me but it was all a blur because the only thing I could think was my parents and I knew for a fact that I’m going to die, so I pretty much have to plan my funeral. Hours later my parents called by a three-way call. At the same time, they both said,” What in the world did you do! You had one job so stick with that job!” At this moment I knew I messed up because I didn't know how to explain the situation as if the words were stuck in my mouth and couldn’t get out. It took me about ten minutes to finally come up with something to explain to my parents. I felt very alone like I was on a different planet living a different life. But in life there will always be funny moments, tragic moments, happy moments, and sad moments, with all of these memories will help shape the person I am today, now I know what life is and what’s it all about.

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