Dragonfly | Teen Ink


January 31, 2017
By Error78 SILVER, Woodbounre, New York
Error78 SILVER, Woodbounre, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Listen, If you was a fish, Mother Nature'd take care of you, wouldn't she? Right? You don't think them fish just die when it gets to be winter, do ya?" -The Catcher in The Rye

“Mommy, Mommy look a fairy” The little boy was running around the yard.
“Oh  just shut up! That is not  a fairy it's a dragonfly.” The sister gives a glare at the boy then stomps back inside. The mother sits in her lawn chair in the middle of the yard, watching her little boy run around.
“Oh my, there are two fairies now” Mom giggles and point to another dragonfly going by the son’s head. The little boy could feel the zipping wind from dragonfly's wings pulling him along to follow. The little boy followed the dragonflies out of the yard into the woods. He starts to step out of the yard, and trips on a branch on the way in. The mother jumps up fear realizing how far her five year old son has gone. She starts to make her way over to the wood, the fear washed the color out of her face. Her breaths got heavier and heavier, starting to anchor her down as she made her way over.
“Jimmy… Jimmy?” she cried. Her last breath seeped out of her lungs as her vision got blurry.
“Mom? Are you alright?” The sister says while walking towards the mother.
“ I lost Jimmy... “ She tried to look up at her child, but she didn’t want to show her fear that poured within  her eyes.
“Mom what are you talking about?” The sisters’ eyes went from worried to confused. The mother covered her face and let her emotions ecasp.
“Mom what are you talking about? I just saw Jimmy inside”
“He’s where? And what?” Before the sister could say another word the mother was already inside looking for her son. She hurries up the stairs, stumbling and falling almost every other step. About mid way her knee gave out as it usually does time to time. Her body's weight shifted forward as she face planted into the the step above her. She quickly got up  wiping away the blood running from her nose and ran to the boy’s bedroom. She found her son right where her daughter told her he would be.
“Jimmy? How did you get up here?” She grabs the tissues off the boy’s night stand.
“Momy the fairies made me their size. They flew me through the window. They had to do that because the gobles were trying to get me” the mother just blankly stares at her son. The mother covers her nose with tissues and mumbles under her breath.
“Here we go again”
Later that night after the mother treated to her nose, she started doing laundry, she found something very strange on the boy’s clothes from later today. Its was not sparkly, but it was shinny and shimmered in the light. Its was a shiny powder, like eyeshadow or highlight powder. She thought to herself and wondered if her son got into her makeup again. After laundry was done she went to go check on her son.
As she was making her way to his bedroom, she heard a loud thump form from Jimmy’s room. She knocks on the door.
“Jimmy you okay?” no one answered, her heart started to pound.
“Jimmy? Jimmy you there?” She opens the door to see that her son was gone, it felt like her life was just sucked out of her. The window was left ajar and the shiny powder was along the windowsill.

“Let go of me!” Jimmy yelled trying to break loose from the fairies grip. But it only got tighter and tighter the more he struggled. The sea started to was pour from his eyes as the the feel of the crashing waves where inside him.
“Stop it, we are trying to save you” The fairy to his left said. She had baby blue wings that shimmered in the moonlight. Her skin had a short of a blue tint to it and her eyes were like the color you could not describe. Her voice was so soothing that Jimmy stopped struggling. He stared star gazed at her. They traveled into the woods and out. Over the ocean and beyond the islands. Traveled far, far away from home. Up into the clouds, over the clouds, and across the sky. Night turned into day and we finally made it to our location. Jimmy had fallen asleep on the th way over.
“Jimmy you're safe now. No one can hurt you here” The baby blue fairy says.
“Where am i?” Jimmy wips the crust from his eyes.
“You're in a safe place, where goblins and fairies come in peace”
Jimmy layed back down on the fluffy patch of flowers behind him. He picked one up and spun it in his hand.
“It's so beautiful”
“Yea most humans say that about this land” The fairy says while flying away. She comes back with a buka of all sorts of flowers and hands them to the little boy. Jimmy takes them from her. It felt like the whole world stopped around him, like the only thing that matters now is the flowers in front of him.  His eyes made its way to one flower and one flower only, he dropped all the others. It look like a cherry blossom, but it also looked like a rose, and a water lily. It had five different shades of pink in it and it smelled like peaches.
“What is this flower called?” Jimmy asks the fairy.
“That is a Peachy Breeze”
“I love it” His childness started to show. He jumped up and started to spin around and dance with the flower.
“It only grows in the darkest places, because it a sign of hope and happiness” The fairy adds. Jimmy’s smile faded and he slowly clasped to the floor. The chasing waves started to appear again.
“Umm… what is the reason I am here?” He put down the flower and look at the fairy with glazed over  eyes.
“To protect you from the gobles” She said confused.
“But why are they trying to getting me?”
“Because you murdered the king's son. You were playing outside one day and the global prince came out to talk to you. To make peace with your land and his. But you didn’t see him since he is the size as us” She tried to hide the fact that she thought this thing is just a joke.
“So I squashed him?” the corners on Jimmy’s mouth starts to curve.
“Yea you stepped on him” The both break out into laughter.
“This is not something to laugh about” she still tried to hide her smile “he is going to kill you”
Jimmy’s smile went dead. He curled up in a ball, then kicks leg out and starts to throw punches in the air.
“See I can protect myself” he says while still swinging. The fairy starts to giggle.
“I bet-” her voice stopped and her eyes opened wide. Her pupils dilated while she gasped for air. She started to cough up sparkly red liquid, it it poured down her face. Her baby blue wings started to drop and she fell to the ground face first. An arrow stuck up out of her back. The waves of the sea started to crash within him once again. His eyes locked into place with the global king.
“Hey Jimmy” the king walked up to him. The king stops in his tracks and turns to the fairy. He looks at her “She had it coming”. He pulls the arrow out of the fairy and walks back over the boy. Jimmy is pouring sweat and twitching like a mental patient that is about to break. The closer the king got the harder it was to breath. The king drags the arrow across the flowers. Jimmy all at once jumped in place and made a run for it. He made it across the flower field and around the a couple of trees. He felt a slight pinch in his lower back and another in his shoulder. Before you know it Jimmy is covered with over ten arrows. He drops to his knees and struggles for his last breath. The king come up behind him and rips out a arrow from his back.
“This is for my son” he jabs the arrow into Jimmy’s gut and takes out another arrow.
“And this is just for fun” he shoves the arrow into his neck. The king felt no guilt since he believes he did not do anything wrong, but he did not feel right about it at all. The king picks up Jimmy and makes his way back to Jimmy’s home. He places the boy in the middle of the his yard.
The next day the mother finds her little boy.
A Peachy Breeze flower laid beside him.
Every year a “dragonfly” flies over his grave dropping a flower, a flower of hope.

The author's comments:

Its a fun, little twisted story.

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