Here and Accounted For | Teen Ink

Here and Accounted For

May 19, 2016
By el1th3gam3r SILVER, Glenpool, OK, Oklahoma
el1th3gam3r SILVER, Glenpool, OK, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The craziness all started to unfold when I was waiting in my seat in Mrs. Edwards’s classroom. On the board, it said we had to read our textbooks today, but it gave no page numbers to read.  We all waited for Mrs. Edwards to come in, and tell us what pages we had to read, but she wasn’t here yet.
The bell rung, and by now, we knew that Mrs. Edwards would be here any moment. She was usually here before the bell, though.
One minute passed after the bell, and Mrs. Edwards still wasn’t here. All of the other teachers near the classroom had shut their doors, so no teachers were in the classroom.
All conversation that was going on before stopped. Two minutes had passed, and Mrs. Edwards still wasn’t here yet. A little odd, but she had been gone an awful lot lately, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise. But at the same time, it was.
By now, three minutes had passed. Conversation started back up again, but it wasn’t about what they had for lunch, what the latest video games were, or how bad school is, but it was about where Mrs. Edwards was.
Four minutes had passed, and no one did anything. Since it looked like no one was going to do anything for a long time, I decided to take initiative, and go tell the principal if Mrs. Edwards was here today, or if it was a substitute we were waiting for instead. It still wouldn’t have been any better, because then we would still be waiting for a substitute.
“Mr. Winters?” I asked, a little scared. No one was comfortable around any principal, and we did have our teacher vanish from existence, so, he couldn’t blame me for being scared.
“Yes?” Mr. Winters replied, looking down at me.
“Our teacher isn’t in the classroom yet, are we waiting on a substitute?”
“Uh, no, umm…” Mr. Winters mumbled while looking through papers. “Mrs. Edwards is here and accounted for.”
“Oh… Maybe she’s back, let me go check,” I said as I was walking back to the classroom.
Mr. Winters followed me back to the classroom. I was hoping I would at least find Mrs. Edwards in the halls, or making copies at the printer, but I didn’t see her at all on the way back.
Back in the classroom, Mrs. Edwards still wasn’t back. Mr. Winters looked on her desk for a notecard, or a list of assignments the students need to work on that a substitute could look at, but there was nothing.
However, something caught my eye. Two books were lying on the floor in front of Mrs. Edwards’s bookshelf. The classroom got vacuumed the day before, and she was fairly organized. If any book was on the floor, she would’ve noticed, and picked it up.
For laughs, I decided to look behind the bookshelf to see if there was a secret passage waiting for me, and we would find Mrs. Edwards trapped behind that. I knew I wouldn’t, because things like that were only in mov-
“Oh my gosh,” I said, surprised.
Mr. Winters came over, and he moved the bookshelf. Sure enough, there was a hole that looked like the entrance to a cave.
“Stay here, students,” Mr. Winters said as he walked into the hole.
I was going to listen to Mr. Winters, but curiosity must’ve thought I was cat as it stabbed me away into the cave.
Mr. Winters didn’t comment on the fact that I came with him anyway, probably because as we turned the corner, there was a laser shooting from one wall to another, and it was moving up and down slowly. There was a lever on the other side. I tried to reach my arm over the laser to see if I could flick the lever, but I almost got my hand burned off.
I walked back into the classroom and I grabbed my textbook. I threw it at the lever, and as the textbook was falling to the ground, the pushed the lever down. The laser flickered a few times, and then it was deactivated. I had to do that two more times, with two more different textbooks.
Because that obviously wasn’t enough, we had a maze to go through. Luckily, you could see the ending from the beginning because there were no walls, but instead there were sensitive buttons, and according to a sign next to the maze, stepping on one of them causes a bomb to blow up in a five foot radius.
We walked across the maze to the ending like we were walking on a tightrope. It was easier than you might have thought.
We came across the last puzzle before, once again, according to the sign, I would meet my doom if I ended up passing this. It was a big wall. There was no way to climb up it.
“What if we get the other students passed the traps, and then we stand on each other’s shoulders to get to the top?” I suggested.
Mr. Winters seemed to agree with that idea.
We tried to get all nineteen other students across. Sadly, one of them stepped on a button, and, while that blew up a lot of the other buttons, the student plus two more also were blown up.
When the remaining sixteen students were with us, Mr. Winters stood on the bottom, and the other students stood on his shoulders, then another student stood on that student’s shoulders, and it towered up to the very top. I was the last student on top, and I barely reached the top of the wall. Unfortunately, no other students could reach, so I was all alone to ‘meet my doom’.
I walked into a corridor, and then I saw a very frightening creature, guarding something behind rocks. The creature looked like an eight foot tall rock monster with vines surrounding him. One crush from him would make meeting my doom much more realistic.
I pulled out all of the materials I had in my pockets.
“Pencil, maybe,” I said, going through my items.
“Eraser, no”
“Lint, no”
“Gum, maybe… Got it!”
I pulled out my gum and my pencil, and I created a makeshift bow and arrow. I walked out of the corridor, and purposefully got the rock monster’s attention.
“Rock dude! Look at me! I’m invading your privacy!”
The rock monster glared at me. If I didn’t have a makeshift bow and arrow, I would’ve be terrified. But don’t get me wrong, I was still terrified.
He crouched down to look at me.
Perfect, I thought to myself.
I released the pencil arrow with my gum bow, and the tip of the sharpened pencil landed straight in his eye. He roared as he fell to the ground, holding his hand up to his eye. He was weakened, but he could always get back up.
I went back, and I asked a student to throw me a book up to my level. Once I had the book, I returned to the final corridor. I snatched my gum out of the rock monster’s eye, and I used it to tie the textbook to his foot. He couldn’t get up now.
I went behind the rocks, and sure enough, there was Mrs. Edwards, with rocks next to her feet, and her feet were tied to the rocks with vines. She was next to a box of chocolates. A lot of them were missing.
I went back to grab my pencil out of the rock monster’s eye, and I used the pencil to chop the vines into two pieces. Mrs. Edwards was free.
She thanked me, and when I told her about the other students, she thanked them, too.
“For what you did, you never have to go to school ever again! You’re free from school!”
I was so happy and proud of what I’ve done, and it felt great to be a hero. It also felt great to be free from school.
Of course, that would never happen. What would happen is if a boy named Wyatt narrated a story in a dream that he had, because he fell asleep in Mrs. Edwards’s classroom while the class was reading their textbooks.
“Okay, now, draw the diagram on your paper that you see on page two-hundred and twenty-five,” Mrs. Edwards said to the class.
Awwwww dang it… I thought to myself, sadly.

The author's comments:

Even now, I still like this piece. It was another school assignment we had to do, like all the other pieces I've published so far, but I liked doing this one, a lot. I hope that this story has tought you that, next time your teacher is missing, looking behind the bookshelf. It's always the bookshelf.

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