Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

September 6, 2023
By jlGaona06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
jlGaona06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  If you would have told me just a year ago I’d have to survive a zombie apocalypse one day, I would have laughed in your face. But on the morning of September 28 everyone's life changed forever. I was home alone one morning when I awoke to alarms sounding and amber alerts going off saying to stay protected against ZOMBIES! The look of confusion riddled my face. I sat up on my bed sinking in the reality of the alarms, as soon as I stepped foot off my bed I realized I needed to get to my family as fast as I could.  

   “ Hello Jass, are you okay? '' said my parents, they called me after hearing the news. “ Yes, I'm getting my things together and I'll be on the way,” I said. My parents were in our safe and secure rancho in Mexico. I have to protect myself and get to my parents before zombies are everywhere ,I thought to myself. As I began to drive I couldn't help but to think about what I was facing and I wouldn't wait until I was with my parents. Once I started hitting main roads I started seeing more and more abandoned cars at every street, every street turned to every corner until there were cars everywhere. I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere by driving, but luckily there was an airport half a mile down the road. About 15 minutes later I made it to the airport by foot, despite feeling completely out of breath. I felt rejuvenated in a way since I was going to make it out. As I walked into the airport it  was super packed, everybody was frantic and in such distress. Despite the chaos I zoned into a Tv with the new line titled, “ ‘Z’ VIRUS NOW CONTAINED IN THE US BUT POPULATION HAS DOUBLED” A sense of relief filled my body knowing my family was safe, but at the same time I began to go into distress mode myself. “DOUBLED “ escaped my mouth as my jaw dropped. After I read the head line the news lady said it, everybody paused. It was as if the realness had just sunk into everybody's mind all at once. A few moments later an announcement was made to everybody in the airport.

 “All flights out the country will be free due to this nation-wide atrocity”  

I felt like I could finally breathe , thoughts of hope flooded my mind. I found the earliest boarding to Mexico, and got on the flight. 2 hours into the flight with the border just ahead of us all hope left my body when the captain began speaking, “ Unfortunately emergency landing is taking effect before we can make it out of the country due to somebody on bored affected by the Z virus”

   I became overwhelmed with the feeling of no escape. We immediately landed just before the border. Heading off the flight I began speaking to a girl my age named Ana, Ana was in the same predicament as me and was fleeing to Mexico to meet with her family as well. Ana and I decided since we were both alone we’d travel the rest of the way on foot together. As the sun began going down we talked about how in just a few hours we’d be safe and sound with our families. With the border just a mile away we decided to take a short cut through this parking lot full of abandoned vehicles. 

    “Go right ahead I’ll be there in a sec I just need to tie my shoes” said Ana.

      “Ok” I said doubtly.

  Walking through the parking lot alone, that's when I saw it. My heart sank.  My body felt hot, yet chills ran down my spine. I froze and it felt as if my soul left my body. A zombie. This was my first time actually seeing one. One zombie turned to five and before I knew it  I was surrounded, still frozen in fear I could only think it's over. I'm going down alone in the worst way.  “Over here” yelled a familiar voice. It's Ana!  I bolted towards her, she had hot wired a truck from the parking lot. I hopped in the passenger seat with a single leap. The zombies were coming towards us but they were no match for the truck, she ran them over and we made the rest of the way to the border.

  Finally I was in Mexico, our families met us at the border and me and Ana parted ways. Eventually everyone in the US had fled leaving America vacant with just the zombie roaming the land until they eventually died off. A world wide clean up helped out America and people eventually started going back, as for my family and I we still live in our rancho but we plan on moving back within the year!



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