The Lost Key | Teen Ink

The Lost Key

September 1, 2023
By an0310311 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
an0310311 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                    The Lost Key

On a stormy night, there were guards on duty on top of the castle. Suddenly they heard thousands of dragons, they realized the dragon dimension opened up. The sound of the dragons started getting louder before they knew it a timer started ticking, they only had 3 days before the portal brakes open and all the dragons started attacking the world and the people. The guards notify the King, he does not worry because he has the key safely locked up for that occasion. Come to find out the key is no longer there. He is scared because he can’t find the key that opens and closes the portal. He instantly calls to make a group of people to help find the key. He calls upon Liam the knight, Guts the knight general, and Mike the Wizard. This group was very powerful together, but there was a problem, none of them liked one another. They always fight to see who is stronger and they never got along. The King is furious because they don’t want to work together, then Fiona the princess proceeds to go downstairs and tells the king that she wants to go look for the key as well. The King doesn’t like the idea and tells her no, but she starts to argue and says she is autonomous and orders the group to let her go with them. Finally, they give in and set their differences aside and they set out to the world to find the key. They start heading towards the journey to find the key, they go through many challenges. Two days go by and they find a mysterious cave, and it is as deep as the ocean. It seems like it never ends. As they go deeper and deeper into the cave they finally see it, it's the key! They get closer to the key and as soon as they are going to acquire it out of nowhere a mysterious dragon comes out of the darkness. Woosh! The dragon flew down blocking the key and not allowing the group to get the key. The princess screamed ahh! It is as big as the world! The dragon started to ascend, and he blew a big ball of fire from the top of the cave, the wizard instantly made a barrier stopping anyone from getting damaged. But it wasn't enough, the dragon was way stronger than any other dragon, and the princess ended up getting severely injured. They find out that the dragon has a gem on his forehead, that gem symbolizes that he is a part of the dragon king family. Guts and Liam dawdle and distract the Dragon prince, allowing the wizard to heal the princess. They work hard and finally, they end up beating the dragon king. They get the key get out of the cave as fast as they can, and go into the kingdom. The wizard put everyone in a bubble and made it fly fast towards the kingdom. When they got there there was a problem two dragons had made it through the portal because of how weakened it was, it was causing havoc throughout the kingdom, and the guards were of no use in that situation. The group knew what they had to do, Guts and Liam fought one of the dragons, and the princess and the wizard fought the other one. Guts slashed his sword clashing with the dragon's teeth, while Liam aimed to chop off its head. Out of nowhere the dragon eats Liam and swallows him whole. Guts angrily tries his hardest to kill the dragon and save Liam. He finally gets a good hit on his internal organs and weakens the dragon, enough to make it vulnerable and cut its head off. And he goes inside the dragon's stomach and drags Liam out. But it is no use Liam is unconscious and can barely be seen breathing. Guts screams at the wizard, so he can hurry and heal him. But he is occupied by the other dragon, with time ticking they need to hurry and kill the last dragon. The princess picks Liam's sword up and while the wizard is holding the dragon the princess pierces the dragon through the heart and kills it. The wizard hurrys and heals Liam while Guts takes the key and the portal goes from being capricious to stable. They did it! They saved the kingdom and its people from the dragons invading their world. The king congratulates them and makes them an official group that helps the kingdom with its troubles and they all get along with each other in the end. 

The author's comments:

I am a high school student.

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