Planet Earth | Teen Ink

Planet Earth MAG

November 25, 2009
By Lawrence Matic BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Lawrence Matic BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I watched a very interesting nature series called “Planet Earth.” I thought it was going to be another boring educational video, but I was very wrong.

“Planet Earth” begins with footage of a polar bear and her cub. I was amazed by how the mother exhibited many human qualities, including feeding, protecting, teaching, and helping her cub. I didn't know animals did these things.

The next section switches from wildlife at the North Pole to wildlife in Africa. This portion is heart-wrenching and dramatic, showing wild dogs hunting baby antelopes. It was a bit too graphic for me, but it illustrates how dangerous life is for wild animals.

The footage includes seemingly impossible shots of wildlife. The crew sometimes filmed from cars and helicopters. The quality of the footage is very detailed and clear.

I'd recommend “Planet Earth” to anyone interested in animals or action because there is a lot of both. Just watch the first ten minutes and I guarantee you will love it and want to watch more!

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This article has 1 comment.

Ksonic said...
on Oct. 27 2011 at 1:46 pm

How do you not have comments on this? I love Planet Earth!

You did a very good job on keeping this short and simple. Maybe aim for less of a summary next time, and go for what you liked about it- why wasn't it boring? How were the effects? Stuff like that. Overall, it was very well written. Thanks for posting!