A Tale of a Tail | Teen Ink

A Tale of a Tail

January 27, 2015
By Tjack SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
Tjack SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Just because you're hurt doesn't mean you're broken,” is a quote from a respected character in  the movie Dolphin Tale.  People with disabilities can often feel damaged. It’s not only their body that can be broken, but their pride as well.  In this movie a lonely boy finds an injured dolphin and believes in his heart that he can help.  This article will review some ongoing themes including loneliness, resolving problems, and trustworthiness.

This lonely boy  has no friends, low grades, and has to take summer school.  Instead of going to summer school the lonely boy, Sawyer, finds a dolphin that is wrapped in rope that is attached to a fishing cage on the shore of a beach.  Sawyer decides to call for help, and while he is waiting he starts to use a special knife to free the dolphin.  The knife was a gift from his cousin who was leaving for the military.  Sawyer is very depressed about his cousin leaving because it reminds him of when his father walked out of his life.  The dolphin is all alone and this knife may be the key to resolving more than just loneliness.
The dolphin is taken to the marine aquarium for treatment and is named Winter by the doctor’s daughter whose name is  Hazel.  Immediately, the staff understands the severity of the injury.  The dolphin is lifeless and needs to eat.  All the staff use their best attempt to get the dolphin to respond to food.  Sawyer escapes summer school to look for the dolphin he rescued.  As Sawyer enters the sanctuary, Winter begins to respond by chattering.  The staff realizes that Winter has a special bond with Sawyer.   He is the only one who is able to get her to eat.  After the dolphin gains its strength, the staff realizes that the tail needs to be amputated.  Sawyer met Dr. McCarthy while visiting his cousin who is now an injured veteran.  Dr. McCarthy commits to helping Winter swim again.  Sawyer has faith in Dr. McCarthy, but the question remains if Winter will accept the modifications.
A few different braces are rejected by Winter.  The staff begin to wonder if  Winter will ever respond to a prosthesis.  As the staff tries to gain Winter’s trust, they are also trying to save the aquarium due to financial issues.  Sawyer and Hazel have an idea to raise money to save Winter and the aquarium, which the board reluctantly approved.  Will they raise enough to save both?  Many problems are resolved and friendships are made through trusting others.
Even though this movie depicted many of life’s problems, it has an ongoing theme of gaining trust and making friendships.  Loneliness is turned into loyalty and happiness.  This contributed to this movie receiving The Young Artist Award and the Crystal Reel Award.  This movie is  highly recommended for any family, especially anyone with a disability.  People that get hurt, aren’t broken.  This movie proves that life can have its difficult moments, but things prevail.  Go see this tale of a tail!

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