Fargo | Teen Ink


February 20, 2014
By rebel3 BRONZE, Fow, Colorado
rebel3 BRONZE, Fow, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fargo is a black comedy based on the real events that occurred in Minnesota in 1987. Fargo won 60 awards including 2 oscars for best actress in a leading role (Frances McDormand) and best writing, screenplay written directly for the screen (Ethan and Joel Coen). Forgo’s all-star cast adds their own personality to the film but still sticking to the true events of the film. The cast includes Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, William Macy, Harve Presnell, and Peter Stormore. This twisted tale follows the story of a used car salesman Jerry Lundegaard who tries to get his well-to-do father-in-law to unknowingly help him with his financial trouble. Once turned down, Jerry finds another solution by hiring two conmen, Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud, to kidnap his rich wife. Once Jerry’s wife Jean is kidnapped everything turns deadly, and the two conmen go on a killing spree throughout the midwest. Fargo left me with the feeling of wanting to look away but can't as a very pregnant Chief Marge of the Brainerd police department investigates the shady case. Like they say a lot can happen in the middle of nowhere.

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