Legend by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Legend by Marie Lu

March 13, 2014
By wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The book Legend by Marie Lu is about the most wanted criminal Day and a high rank girl named June in the military were enemies but turned into partners, in this action packed love story book.
The book Legend takes place in Chicago, but not the same Chicago as today but “fuuuuttuurree”. June and Day come from opposite worlds. June is a sergeant in the military at age 15 and Day is the most wanted criminal. Day is June’s main target after he killed her brother. Day steals medicine from the hospital and set a military base on fire when he was a kid. June works in the military and they meet and work with each other without knowing it and always have eachothers backs until June finds out Day is hiding something! If you want to find out you have to read the book Legend.

My favorite part of the book is when Day helps June escape the fight.

This book was amazing and would be great for young adults that enjoy an action and love story. This book taught to me to never turn your back on friends and family.

The author's comments:
I'm a 6th grade boy that loved the series Legend


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