The Losers by David Eddings | Teen Ink

The Losers by David Eddings

August 30, 2012
By blitsnik SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
blitsnik SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 51 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you must mount the gallows, give a coin to the headman, a jest to the crowd, and meet the drop with a smile on your lips."

The Losers by David Eddings

The Losers is a fiction book about a boy who had everything going for him, the star of football and just an all around, “angel boy”, named Raphael. This boy who had everything good, made a stupid mistake of driving drunk and lost all of it. Though, in my opinion, that isn’t the most important part. Because the story goes on to show his life afterwards and the losers of society- those who don’t live their own lives just sit around and wait for the government to take care of them.
This story is about his fight against the welfare system. It shows how one man can help others to do what he did: to not be a cripple, but a one legged man. And that one man can change the lives of others. Sometimes it’s hard, and you have to scare the crud out of them to really see it, but you CAN do it. I think it’s brilliant, and an amazing combination of fiction and reality. It makes me want to do what this boy did in the story (without the driving drunk of course)
I found it a brilliant read and would recommend it to anyone who was willing to read it. It’s not very big, but the size doesn’t show the amount you can learn from reading this book.
You can never completely tell where the story is going, so you are always in for a surprise. The twists catch you unaware and make it very exciting.

The author's comments:
I think the story is amazing and that everyone who wants to learn a little about why we do what we do should read this.


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