Echo: A Novel by Francesca Lia Block | Teen Ink

Echo: A Novel by Francesca Lia Block

December 4, 2009
By ComebackCadillac SILVER, Fredericksburg, Virginia
ComebackCadillac SILVER, Fredericksburg, Virginia
5 articles 2 photos 5 comments

As soon as I started to read "Echo" it was impossible to put it down - it was pratically glued to my hands. This lyrical, sensual book by amazing author Francesca Lia Block is one of her best works yet.

Told in alternative views, (each chapter switches from Echo's point of view to 3rd person) it is a story on love, loss, and accepting ourselves.

The main character Echo is a tiny, plain girl who's father is dying of cancer and who's mother is impossibly perfect. In a frenzy of mixed feelings, she almost drowns in the ocean but is saved by a boy. He never speaks or touches her, but she finds herself loving him all the same.
The book progresses as Echo must leave the boy and her home to go away on her own as a young adult.

As she grows older, she meets a variety of people who impact her, while she in turn impacts them. The relationships and background stories for the characters are told in poetic, believable ways.

As a book-lover, I'd have to say "Echo" is one of my favorites. It is heartbreaking and heartwarming. After setting it down, chances are you will pick it right back up in a day or two.


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