Out of Bounds by Beverly Naidoo | Teen Ink

Out of Bounds by Beverly Naidoo

September 30, 2009
By LEGEND BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
LEGEND BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the deepest part of Africa... South Africa was a man born named Beverly Naidoo. Beverly Naidoo is the author of this life grabbing story, out of Bounds.
Naidoo explains his life stories by telling us his own experiences that he went through. Each story of his is set in a different decade duriing the last half of the twienth century and into the twenty-first, and includes realistic characters.
This book really I believe will touch you in many ways. It tells us how us African Americans used to respond and act during slavery days.
Beverly Naidoo does an excellent job on keeping the reader focused with the story. He makes the reader grave for more when reading his book.
This book is a wonderful one. Its life changing, it shows many life lessons and its a good way to learn more about
African Americans and what they went through.

The author's comments:
I think people will be able to see the hardship that African Americans had went through due to the color of their skins. I too am an African American and i will love to meet this person, Beverly Naidoo.


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