The Thief Lord | Teen Ink

The Thief Lord

May 15, 2009
By Gorillas4u BRONZE, Springfield, Michigan
Gorillas4u BRONZE, Springfield, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

3 pickpockets, 7 small raids, 1 humongous raid, and 1 lie.

Prosper and Boniface, usually called Bo, are orphans taken by there evil aunt and uncle, Ester and Max Hartlieb.

From there mother’s story, Venice is a magical place were anything is possible: golems come alive, gargoyles are not statues, and the living are the wealthy.

Prosper and Bo just escaped from there Evil, wait no, crueler the evil, there malevolence aunt and uncle, Max and Ester, to a magical place called Venice, Italy. They scavenge around in the town long enough to find a group of ******.

As they progress further into the magical city of Venice, they continue with there group of ****** and find a small hide-a-way from the city; an abandoned theater. As Scipio brings them items of great ***** goods, they enjoy kittens, food, boats, and each other.

But not all is well in Venice: a crazed detective is on the tail of Prosper and Bo, following the trails of ********. How is this possible? A better question; what isn’t possible?

I strongly recommend this book to anyone that has the time to sit down and read. This isn’t just another “Oh, everything is happy in the whole wide world until a big Bad storm comes in and wrecks havoc on the whole world” type of book. Ok sooooo… maybe it is just a tiny bit but you get the point: it’s a different type of book.
! Caution ! This book is not responsible for any lost items taken by the Thief lord.

The author's comments:
I had to do this in class, and i decided to just put it on! enjoy!


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