I Am Beautiful | Teen Ink

I Am Beautiful

August 24, 2014
By Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

I look in the mirror, my reflection stares back

Head cocked to the side, arms folded in front of me

To society, beauty is what I lack

For so long ugly was all I could see

Thighs too big, skin never clear

Stomach sticking out, bust too small

I used to hide my face in fear,

And cower by the wall

Now I know society's flaws

They are wrong, I am beautiful

Who says they get to make the laws?

Their idea of pretty is dreadful

My body was crafted by Jesus

So I will love it without a fuss

The author's comments:
I can remember a time when I wore a paper bag over my head when I was alone because I was so disgusted with the way I looked. In public, I kept my head down, afraid of people judging me. It took me years to see how beautiful I am--which I say in a humble way, if that makes sense. Society wants me to be flawless. But the thing is, beauty has flaws. It is our flaws that make us unique and special. We should embrace the parts of ourselves we may not like. God made us the way we are for a reason. We are all beautiful weather we are thin, heavier set, short or tall, whatever. Society does not decide how you should look or feel about yourself--you do. Chicas and chicos, you are all perfect :)

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This article has 8 comments.

on Nov. 7 2014 at 5:08 pm
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Thanks darlin! Hahah yes, Jesus is fabulously mistake free :) And I love the "to die for..." bit XD It made me laugh and its so true lol, thank you again for commenting, love :)

JessT23 SILVER said...
on Nov. 6 2014 at 9:29 pm
JessT23 SILVER, Ellisville, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I love this so much! I have struggled with this too and this is perfect because Jesus made you and me and He doesn't make mistakes! To Jesus, we are to DIE for...literally.

on Sep. 22 2014 at 12:39 pm
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Thanks, love :)

on Sep. 21 2014 at 11:44 am
chezbona SILVER, Accra, Other
7 articles 1 photo 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
your wildest imagination is just the beginning,make the sky your starting point.
To a better world,
Chez bona.

I love it,especially the Jesus part

on Sep. 16 2014 at 12:06 pm
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Hahahahah hey, Mexican Turtle :) OLAY!

on Sep. 16 2014 at 12:06 pm
RedneckRebel BRONZE, Hinesville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never quit

I am a crazy Mexican Turtle. Olay!!

on Sep. 15 2014 at 12:03 pm
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Thanks so much, EmmyD :) I'm really glade you liked it so much! I know so many people who believe what society tells them about beauty, and its so wrong. Have you heard that new song "All About That Base"? Its my new favorite because its breaking the mold. Everyone should love themselves and just rock it every day :) Thanks again, love :)

on Sep. 5 2014 at 10:22 am
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

That just hit me. I was there, if that makes sense. It's so true. I love it. I could connect to it. All I can say, is that it's beautiful, absolutely beautiful. It's just so true. : ) Thank you for sharing this, your wonderful poem! It just has so much truth, and yes! You are beautiful, Renda. Thank you again. ^_^