My Little Ones | Teen Ink

My Little Ones

May 30, 2014
By forgetno1 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
forgetno1 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

I let you go, my frosty little ones,
Drifting towards the cold ground, a graceful fall.
Your delicate beauty, for all it stuns,
Six arms unique, for none the same in all.
Frozen flowers, wisps in the winter breeze.
Proud of you, I am your Mother Snow Cloud.
The ground calling, for you it is to freeze,
As falling, you are feathers, never loud.
You cover the ground like a cozy quilt,
Protecting the Earth from the harshest wind.
As you gather, salt on the ground is spilt.
Some see you a foe, others as a friend.
Winter breezes allow you a free roam.
You shall roam long miles, then be welcomed home.

The author's comments:
The tone of my sonnet is kind and loving, as is evident in the last couplet, especially the last line: “You shall roam long miles, then be welcomed home.” My theme is that everyone is unique, and that they are always welcome home. My best example of imagery is “Frozen flowers, wisps in the winter breeze,” which illustrates the elegance of snowflakes.

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