Firebrand | Teen Ink


July 13, 2013
By Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
19 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a TEMP from CHISWICK!!"


His soul was brave and stalwart, bless his heart
A pelt like fire and eyes like oceans’ shine
Although he’d rather peacefully depart
He fought for kingdom, righteousness, and kind

His pack was fraught with discord and despair
Assailed by might of magic and arcane
At times he thought it simply wasn’t fair
That he should stand it all, poor wolf of flame

Despite his inner qualms, he did his best
To aid his pack throughout adventures wild
But in all honesty, he needed rest
From things of fairy tales, told to a child

So now he roams the forest, to escape
His bitter memories--even his fate

The author's comments:
This is a sonnet about a roleplay character of mine, a wolf named Firebrand. The thread is dead now, but I'll never forget the mystical adventures my poor, ordinary Firebrand had to endure.

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