I'm Not a Game | Teen Ink

I'm Not a Game

March 7, 2011
By Elizabeth-Martin PLATINUM, Georgetown, Massachusetts
Elizabeth-Martin PLATINUM, Georgetown, Massachusetts
21 articles 1 photo 22 comments

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When life gives me a reason to cry, I'll show life that I have 1000 reasons to smile.

Haven't you stepped on my heart enough?
You've broken me down and I'm not that tough.
I can't bear to see you every day.
I can't allow you to take my breath away.
Please leave me alone. Don't play with my heart.
Don't continuously drag me back to the start.
Just let me move on like I've tried so many times.
Let me accept the fact that you'll never be mine.
Don't poke your arrow into my heart again.
Don't take my mind to places it's already been.
Please don't tease me, don't spin me around.
Don't use your charm to push me down.
I've lost this game with you many times before.
My heart is not able to break anymore.
I will break a promise, I will forget your name.
Because I no longer want to play this game.

The author's comments:
Never let somebody play with your heart... never let them make you into their game.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 24 2012 at 3:37 pm
babygirl576 PLATINUM, Marion, Michigan
34 articles 0 photos 33 comments

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You lied, and I cried. You're a jerk, so I was hurt. You're a
deceiver, But I was a believer. Sorry I wasted your time, I guess?

 let someone play with mine; it doesnt feel good; pierces your heart deep....love the poem :)