Verdicchio | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
35 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love <3

Pretty girl.
Can't you see?
He's never. Loved you.

Don't cry.
Why would you?
He's never. Loved you.

Grow up.
For me please?
He's never. Loved you.

Sweet dear child, don't drink as much. For you are becoming really heavy. For you are now really silly.

Pretty girl don't cry for me.
I am the fool that has never loved you. You drink because I am the cause, of your failed love.

Pretty girl don't cry for me.
For I am the fool that has never understood. So you drink because of me. But I am the one whose never been any good.

You believe that you are ugly, for 1826.21 days. You believe that you are controlling, for 60 months away. You believe that you are worthless, for 5 years everyday.

You believe, you believe, when there's more to believe.

You match the bitter taste of your wine, you match the bitter taste of your life.

Pretty girl.
Can't you see?
He's never. Loved you.

Don't cry.
Why would you?
He's never. Loved you.

Grow up.
For me please?
He's never. Loved you.

Please, spare me. My soul has been so slow, so lay down your, Verdicchio.

The author's comments:
Pretty girls shouldn't drink...

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