Army Strong (Justin's Song) | Teen Ink

Army Strong (Justin's Song)

December 5, 2013
By Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
24 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm strong, but I break. I'm stubborn, and I make plenty of mistakes." - Kelly Clarkson
"I care too much, and you care enough to leave." - Kelly Clarkson

If I could go back I would change all of those moments;
I was holding their hands, trying so hard to save them.
But Someone has another plan in store.
I don't know what, but I will try
To see the best in it, 'cause I cannot cry
No I cannot shed another tear.
God, it is you that I fear.

Sometimes life is harder than we think.
Before you know it, things begin to sink.
And even though it's hard to climb back out
Of the hole I fell right in,
I'll take God's hand.
I won't fall in again.

If I got down on my knees and begged for you to take me,
Instead of taking the life of one of those babies..
Would you hear me, see me, as I start to pray?
Lord, please keep them safe today.
I know they will be safer far from here,
But I can't help wanting you to say
They're not dead, you saved the day.

Sometimes life is harder than we think.
Before you know it, things begin to sink.
And even though it's hard to climb back out
Of the hole I fell right in,
I'll take God's hand.
I won't fall in again.

I'll keep my helmet on,
Yeah, I'll stay army strong.
Ain't goin', no way!
Ain't goin', no way!
I'm gonna save the day.

Sometimes life is harder than we think.
Before you know it, things begin to sink.
And even though it's hard to climb back out..

Sometimes life is harder than we think.
Before you know it, things begin to sink.
And even though it's hard to climb back out
Of the hole I fell right in,
I'll take God's hand.
I won't fall in again.

I'll take God's hand.
I won't fall in again.

The author's comments:
A friend of mine in the army told me a few stories of what he had gone through while he was deployed. I can't even imagine.. I'm just glad he's back now.

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