Gambling My Love | Teen Ink

Gambling My Love

March 13, 2012
By Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
24 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm strong, but I break. I'm stubborn, and I make plenty of mistakes." - Kelly Clarkson
"I care too much, and you care enough to leave." - Kelly Clarkson

I'm an emotional wreck,
Yeah, I know it.
I try to keep a poker face,
But I blow it.
My heart bleeds out
For everyone to see.
Yet you're the only one
Who still ignores me.
Don't hide yourself
Behind those cards.
Lay them down,
And look at me.

Don't let your love starve;
It isn't that hard,
Just be who you are.
I'm not gonna hurt you;
I won't add more scars.
I deserve my own chance,
To make you happy,
But you won't give it.
Why won't you give it?

We're done with playing games.
It's always the same.
Let's see who is the best today.
Don't gamble for what
You want but can lose.
Don't take the risk.
Losing me is what you'll win.
Oh, didn't you know?
It could be worse;
But you've folded now.
The price paid?
You don't wanna know.

Don't let your love starve;
It isn't that hard,
Just be who you are.
I'm not gonna hurt you;
I won't add more scars.
I deserve my own chance,
To make you happy,
But you won't give it.
Why won't you give it?

This isn't roulette,
This isn't blackjack.
Love isn't your game,
So just give up now.
There's rules you won't ever understand.
It's time that you go play another hand,
Of something that, maybe, you'll understand.

Don't let your love starve;
It isn't that hard,
Just be who you are.
I'm not gonna hurt you;
I won't add more scars.
I deserve my own chance,
To make you happy,
But you won't give it.
Why won't you give it?
Don't let your love starve.

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