Face Like An Angel | Teen Ink

Face Like An Angel

August 23, 2011
By -Duckie- GOLD, West Fargo, North Dakota
-Duckie- GOLD, West Fargo, North Dakota
18 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your heart is a weapon the size of your fist. Keep fighting. Keep loving.

First day of sixth grade, I sat and watched the sky
Counting all the stars and waiting for one to shine
And you weren't the fairy prince I'd always dreamed about
But your Hollister tees and stonewashed jeans won out
And before you love was a word on a page
Before you I didn't count every day
But everything changed when I met you
I knew
That I was in above my head
Before I got far
Already loved your hair like a rock star
I was dancing
Before the rain fell
Already loved your face like an angel

The other girls told me your heart was a ticking bomb
They told me how many girls' lists that you were on
And they asked me if I wanted to be another name
And I said no, I wanted to think you'd changed
And just when I thought you were a waste of time
I'd look up and see your eyes on mine
Little moments that kept me through the night
Cause I was in above my head
Before I got far
Already loved your hair like a rock star
I was dancing
Before the rain fell
Already loved your face like an angel

If I had known you loved me, you know I would've told him no
And if we weren't so stubborn, maybe it would have showed
Never knew how much I loved you till I saw your face that day
And I never got to tell you, so I hope you hear me today

And he's amazing
Drives me crazy
Eyes like chocolate melt my heart, and
He's the one that I should love
I should have given up
But it's too late to start

Cause I was in above my head
Before I got far
And I still love your hair like a rock star
I'm still the girl who danced while the rain fell
And I still love your face like an angel
I already found what I hoped to find
And I still love your heart like a gold mine
And it took me to hell and back, but now I know well
I'll always love your face like an angel

The author's comments:
About a beautiful boy I know- truly with a face like an angel. I think my song is too vague. Let me know what you think!

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