Love Will Conquer The Day. | Teen Ink

Love Will Conquer The Day.

July 27, 2011
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

You're all alone in a crowded room,
there's no one here who will talk to you,
They'll throw you critical glances,
but no one sees when you leave.
You find yourself in the pouring rain,
you feel the rush falling on your face,
you're thinking what are the chances,
Rejected beauty, deceived.

Don't ever think that you are wasted space,
or just another face, in the crowd.
This lifeless game will evaporate, But your silent grace will resound. They don't know who you are,
just ignore what they say.
In the end you will rise,
and love will conquer the day.

You're by yourself, it's a mile drop.
You take a breath, Darling don't jump. Stop.
Don't give up on a second chance,
cuz life will give them away.
You step back, you can breathe again.
You can't believe what you almost did.
Just don't forget that there's a reason why you're here,
don't let beauty disappear,
breathe it in.

Don't ever think that you are wasted space,
or just another face, in the crowd.
This lifeless game will evaporate, But your silent grace will resound. They don't know who you are,
just ignore what they say.
In the end you will rise,
and love will conquer the day.

My voice is one in a million,
But will you listen to mine?
Cuz when the world fell asleep on you,
I stayed beside you all night.?

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