Claim Your Prize | Teen Ink

Claim Your Prize

July 7, 2011
By Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Coryydee PLATINUM, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
24 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm strong, but I break. I'm stubborn, and I make plenty of mistakes." - Kelly Clarkson
"I care too much, and you care enough to leave." - Kelly Clarkson

Your poison spreads through me
Just as easily as you'd think.
There's nothing I can do.
One bite and you've turned me.
Now I belong to you.
My heart beats so fast;
You know it's meant to last.
I know it's right.

Oh, you've won your game.
Now come and claim your prize.
It's do or die.
I have looked into your eyes.
I've fallen in love this time.
It'll be a bumpy ride,
But with you I'll be alright.

It's going much faster now.
The time is flying by.
You know it's our time.
Show it off with pride.
No ending this, my dear.
We can show them,
We'll last forever.

Oh, you've won your game.
Now come and claim your prize.
It's do or die.
I have looked into your eyes.
I've fallen in love this time.
It'll be a bumpy ride,
But with you I'll be alright.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 11 2011 at 10:39 pm
NinjaGirl BRONZE, Valley City, North Dakota
1 article 0 photos 202 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only thing holding us back in life is our desire to stay where we are and not venture further.
~Some random person on the Internet :P

I really like this! Your rhyme scheme was very good and it was overall a fun read. Could you check out my stuff?