The You I Thought I Knew | Teen Ink

The You I Thought I Knew

January 31, 2011
By WritingLoverForever PLATINUM, Bowling Green, Ohio
WritingLoverForever PLATINUM, Bowling Green, Ohio
32 articles 2 photos 198 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about success; it's about significance.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Verse One:

Once upon a time, our love was pure and beautiful
I never thought that we’d ever fade away
I loved your eyes, ‘cause they gave me hope for tomorrow
You touched my life; that’s all I can really say

Now all you do is haunt my dreams
You’re the only thing I see
I try my best to let you go
But it’s just not that easy

So why do you look away like I was never there before?
Baby, I don’t think I know you anymore
And why does it always seem like I was easy to forget?
How can it be that you never felt any regret?
And though it’s gonna hurt in my heart to try,
I know I’ve got to say goodbye to the you I thought I knew

Verse Two:
I’ve cried so much ‘cause all I can feel is heartbroken
And now it hurts just for me to say your name
I miss your touch, the way your arms were always open
You were all I ever had to keep out the rain

All this time I thought you were the one
But everything we had is gone
And as I watch the memory fade
It gets harder to stay strong

So why do you look away like I was never there before?
Baby, I don’t think I know you anymore
And why does it always seem like I was easy to forget?
How can it be that you never felt any regret?
And though it’s gonna hurt in my heart to try,
I know I’ve got to say goodbye to the you I thought I knew

So now I know that you never really cared
‘Cause you don’t remember all the smiles we shared
It’s like I was a rose that you tore apart just so you could watch me die
And now I know that you no longer love me
And for that, I want to say I’m sorry
‘Cause I gave you all my love when all you wanted was goodbye

So why do you look away like I was never there before?
Baby, I don’t think I know you anymore
And why does it always seem like I was easy to forget?
How can it be that you never felt any regret?
And though it’s gonna hurt in my heart to try,
I know I’ve got to say goodbye to the you I thought I knew

Yeah, I’ve got to say goodbye to the you I thought I knew
I’m not looking back, no
I’ve got to say goodbye to the you I thought I knew

The author's comments:
I began writing this in eighth grade in the middle of one of my sleepless nights (the dark setting seemed fitting).

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This article has 1 comment.

Camii GOLD said...
on Mar. 14 2011 at 4:13 pm
Camii GOLD, Miami, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 75 comments
It is really good and deep ! i liked it :)