True Love's Last Words | Teen Ink

True Love's Last Words

September 24, 2010
By Paul_James PLATINUM, Plainsboro, New Jersey
Paul_James PLATINUM, Plainsboro, New Jersey
24 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only true love I ever knew
Was behind those downcast eyes
The only comfort I ever felt
Was during those long hours of loneliness
When I felt for you
I do believe
Only innocence can save the world..." -Ocean Soul

You came into my life, like a dream come true
Now no matter what it takes, I can’t be without you
Take me on your trip to your final resting place
Where we can be together until the end of our days

I’ll be the red rose that withered on your grave
I’ll be the angel walking you on the way
I’ve felt for you for so long in such a way
That mortal words don’t have the strength to say

(Male Voice)I’ve been falling for you
Since the day we met
There’s not one happy memory
That I could forget
I can’t stand to live one second
Without you on my mind
When the day comes I die
I can’t bear to leave you behind

With my last breath I’ll kiss you with hopes for tomorrow
I will lie down beside you to save myself the sorrow
Of being alone in this world without you by my side
I won’t let the ways of the world make us say goodbye

(Female Voice)
I’ve been falling for you
Since the day we met
There’s not one happy memory
That I could forget
I can’t stand to live one second
Without you on my mind
When the day comes you die
I can’t bear to be left behind
With my last breath I’ll kiss you with hopes for tomorrow
I will lie down beside you to save myself the sorrow
Of being alone in this world without you by my side
I won’t let the ways of the world make us say goodbye

(Male/Female Voice Duet)
I’ve been falling in love with you
Since the moment we met
There’s not one precious memory
Of us I regret
I won’t survive for one moment
Without you in my life
When we enter the light
I’ll be your (Romeo/Juliet) tonight…

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