All The Same | Teen Ink

All The Same

March 6, 2010
By magic-esi PLATINUM, Hyde Park, New York
magic-esi PLATINUM, Hyde Park, New York
27 articles 0 photos 231 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."

Lost your childhood best friend
(It's all OK, we're all the same)
Brain cells at an untimely end
(It's all OK, we're all the same)
That's an idiot you love so much
(It's all OK, we're all the same)
You look so out of it at lunch
It's all OK, we're all the same, don't take the blame...

We booted you out, 'cause you weren't like us
Didn't wear jewelry, you don't wear makeup
We won't let you back in, and we're glad that you're gone
'Cause we're all the same, so don't ruin our fun
Don't end our fun, don't end our fun
We're all the same, don't end our fun

It's like you didn't hear, like you didn't know
Like you had amnesia the last time it snowed
We made fun of those losers, now you've turned into one
You're giving up friendship so you can have fun

We booted you out, 'cause you weren't like us
Didn't wear jewelry, you don't wear makeup
We won't let you back in, and we're glad that you're gone
'Cause we're all the same, so don't ruin our fun
Don't end our fun, don't end our fun
We're all the same, don't end our fun

Don't try to pretend 'cause I know what you mean
Just because it's unheard doesn't mean it's unseen
You hate me, despise me, and yes I know why
'Cause I'm different, you know it, no matter the lies
And it's over, we're no longer friends
But I'm glad that it came to an end
Don't have to put up with you anymore
My real friends aren't a bunch of wh***s
Yeah, you were different in fifth grade
So was she, look at the mess she's made
I'm sick of you, just go away!

We booted you out, 'cause you weren't like us
Didn't wear jewelry, you don't wear makeup
We won't let you back in, and we're glad that you're gone
'Cause we're all the same, so don't ruin our fun
Don't end our fun, don't end our fun
We're all the same, don't end our fun

We're all the same, so don't end our fun
Who cares what happens? Just don't end our fun.

The author's comments:
This song is about my old friends, who are a bunch of complete losers. The chorus is from their point of view

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