Never Thought | Teen Ink

Never Thought

November 11, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

Never thought I could be weak.
Never thought I could fall in love.
Didn’t think love could get so deep to me.
I was always the strong, independent one.
It’s hard for me to speak.
I cannot move, I’m so stuck.
I didn’t think I had the strength to leave.
Can’t believe it’s all been said and done.

It’s hard not to think of you.
Can’t believe we’re through.
You don’t know how much I loved you.
If only you knew.
I feel like such a fool.
To fall so deeply for you.
My heart is broken I don’t know what to do!

Why did I let you walk right out of my life?
I can’t get you off my mind.
I feel like I’ve been stabbed a thousand times.
With the strongest, sharpest Knife.
You haven’t seen these tears I’ve cried.
I just want you to know boy I’ve tried.
You will always be my number 1 guy.

You’re the one I shared my first kiss with.
Don’t you know I just can’t take this?
My heart shatters like glass.
I’ve enjoyed you while it last.
You’re the one who showed me everything.
From the good to the bad!
You were all that I had.

Now I don’t know what to do and it’s killing me.
I’m suffering ever so slowly.
Can’t believe I let you control me.
I can’t come back I’ve totally lost all of me.

I can’t describe the pain that I feel it’s like I’ve been hit by a car!
I can’t believe I let this “love” thing get so far.
Now I’m hear and falling apart.
I’m suffering with a broken heart.
But I can’t help but know that I will always love you.
I hate that you put me in a position where I had to choose.
Now this pain won’t go away.
I still wish you were here to stay.
I never thought in a million years that I could fall so deeply in love!

The author's comments:
there was this boy that i've been with since 5th grade. i thought he was my soul mate. we just broke up and i loved him so much. this is not the full song, but i did write this song for him.

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