Our World | Teen Ink

Our World

November 28, 2017
By TaxiLion SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
TaxiLion SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A happy world
With nothing to fear
The sun shining bright
Hope in our eyes
Nothing will go wrong

While everything may seem grand
Look carefully and you will see
The crumbling empire
That will never be what it once was
Or ever be better

The negativity hides behind a mask
A porcelain cast of lies
That keeps us from telling others
Whats wrong
And can you help me

Instead we lie and we hate
And we make everyone fear
The truth
And what will spill from our mouths
Like a waterfall of blood

The devils are homophobes
The demons are racists
Satan is hate itself
And while we can't get rid of them
We can attempt

But this attempt will fail
Time and time again
Which rips people apart
And calls people to join an empire
Boiling down beneath our very feet

Hell will kill this wonderful place
But heaven will save it
The ones that get rid of hate
And the souls that stand up for others
Because they aren't afraid

The angels that stand up against bullies
The pure souls that live in today's society
And the savior that lives in only a few
The few that truly care
About everyone and everything

So maybe our world isn't perfect
And maybe it will never be
But their is always a light
That can save us all
And help us towards a better tomorrow

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