The Pressure | Teen Ink

The Pressure

September 18, 2017
By Corrine Fernand BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Corrine Fernand BRONZE, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The pressure
To be who everyone else wants me to be
Sometimes I forget what it like to be me

Trying to fit in everyone else point of view
I'm not a leader or follower
I'm between

Because I been through a lot
They don't what it like
To be between wrong and right

I want to be supported and loved
But I don't if that work
If I show them the real me

The real me stills smile
But it now dark
And my mind not the same it change

Trying to fit everyone else point of view
Yeah it killing me
It not the person I want to be

The real me wants to cry and smile at the same time
The real me doesn't know the newest trends and that okay
The real me thinks before she speaks

And the real me doesn't want a boyfriend
Because I rather be at home eating food
Then rather outside trying to impress a dude

But none of these things I can do
Cause if you don't know the new trends you consider uncool
If you think about everything and make a point, you consider a know it all and teacher pet now that not right
And this my motto until I die and I not ashamed to say it fries before guys

Remember when we little kids
When you didn't have to pretend
Because you made real friends

They didn't care about your past
Or the money you parents made
Or the clothes you wear on your back

They were there for you
And when you were sad
They open up their arms, and had your back

But today the pressure
That this generation face
To be popular, athletic, and smart at the same time

It all in your face
To be who every one wants you to be
But sometimes we need to take a break

And consider the choices that we make
Forget about what everyone else wants you to be
Forgot the perspective of what the world sees

And just be the real you like I'm trying to be the real me

The author's comments:

This poem inspired me because all through life there this pressure on us humans to be perfect. Be perfect and get good grades, win all your games, be the prettiest of the malt talented. In this day and age society doesn't settle for second best. If your not first, it's makes you feel like your trash and useless. But that is not the case. Be who you want or be don't let no one stop you girl being the real you. Because the real you is better then the artificial.

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