Arrows and Luck | Teen Ink

Arrows and Luck

April 6, 2017
By GraceCarrillo SILVER, Thornton, CO, Colorado
GraceCarrillo SILVER, Thornton, CO, Colorado
5 articles 11 photos 0 comments

This is stupid.
Whoever told cupid
That two people were or weren't
Meant to be,
Or that arrows were to bring two people Together, instead of
Driving them apart.
Was completely
Did they even have a brain?
Or was that part of their daily meal to
Compensate for all the
Straw that built up.
I guess I really don't have a heart
Because love runs and leaves
Me out in the open in the sun.
Which, by the way, I only burn.
Never gotten sunkissed.
I've also never been kissed.
Not by anything,
And that gets me to thinking,
Maybe I'm special.
Maybe all the people in the world
Won't be able to reach me,
And I will be one of the very lucky few
Who don't feel that kind of pain
When you want to feel
That same passion again.
That's right.
I'm lucky.
I missed everything by a landslide,
And you know what?
That's okay.
Because some day
That same stupid arrow,
Shot by that same stupid cupid,
Will definitely shoot me right in the heart.
It may leave me a scar
And reserve me a seat at a bar,
But I will have enjoyed
Every single minute of it, because
That arrow,
That stupid arrow will mean
It was perfect for me in that moment.
That my time has come,
And I,
One of the very lucky few,
Will have had something
Greater than a boyfriend, or lover.
I would get someone worthy of being
My special, my one and only
Precious other half.
And that's fine by me.

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