Teenage Girl Culture | Teen Ink

Teenage Girl Culture

June 29, 2016
By lilyanarainmusic BRONZE, Dorena , Oregon
lilyanarainmusic BRONZE, Dorena , Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I sit silently In a room full of eyes that are picking at me like vultures to a hit and run carcass on the side of the street.

I see them searching me,

identifying my body by the size of my jeans and the thickness of my thighs.

Welcome to Teenage Girl Culture!

You are objectified.

As their gazes continue I get scared...

If they approach me I'll walk away, I'll look down at the ground ignore what they say.

Urging myself to not mistake their catcalls as compliments...

I hate it.

But inside somethings telling me I should crave it, want more.

Because society has taught me to only exist when I am wanted. 

So if a boy can't give me confirmation that I am worthy?

Then I am worthless.

This is teenage girl culture.

Where voicing my opinions make me the back beat, shush me, should I scream?

My voice is an annoyance.

Silence in women is violence towards them,

But I continue to eat my words because I skipped lunch...

I'm still hoping for that skinny waistline.

I'm fine....I lied...I'm crushed inside.

Welcome to teenage girl culture! 

It defines you,

You were pushed into it.

You are no longer a young girl with bright eyes who hasn't been taunted with this worlds lies,

Because In the middle a dark night a women has replaced you..

An now your IQ no longer matters, but your slender figure does. 

Welcome to your new culture!

Where you have a 1 in 4 chance of being sexually assaulted or raped.

Where Budweiser will exploit your body on a 6 pack,

Where your worth will be decided at first glance.

This is teenage girl culture

You see I've traded my anger for soft smiles for the sake of attraction too,

But it all but makes  you loose the fire that captivates the ones that actually matter.

And when the people you loved most will have a knife amied at your back....

Welcome to teenage girl culture!

Where we are broke down before we can even become,

Where we are used up before we can begin.

We live In a society that banks on are beauty and our bodies,

We and can create galaxy's with our vocabularies

But everything in this world tells us to leave our fury and become silent.

because that is beauty they say..

I disagree

We are beauty. We are divine.

We are freeing our minds.

This is teenage girl culture,

Where we are enough.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jul. 7 2016 at 12:11 am
dont.cry.little.girl. SILVER, Ooltewah, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 45 comments
Normally, we usually use a slideshow of related images with a reading of the poem in the background, rather than just a video of someone simply reading it aloud. Before the poem is read, we read the title and announce the author (in this case, you). We're still extremely new with what we've been working on, though. There is a likely chance that it would not be posted anywhere immediately. However, since we would eventually like to have it publicly published at some point, we will let you know when the opportunity arises. Feel free to send me any other questions!

on Jul. 6 2016 at 12:56 am
lilyanarainmusic BRONZE, Dorena , Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Hello! that sounds very cool. could you message me with more details? what type of context/format? will it be read by someone/ etc! thanks!

on Jul. 5 2016 at 5:54 pm
dont.cry.little.girl. SILVER, Ooltewah, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 45 comments
Hello! I and a friend of mine create spoken word and poetry videos. Because we love it so much, we were wondering if we could use your writing in one. Of course, we always credit the original author. We just wanted to ask beforehand.