Questions for the Universe | Teen Ink

Questions for the Universe

May 26, 2016
By Nataliekolo21 SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Nataliekolo21 SILVER, Wyckoff, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Questions for the Universe
Is any one person destined to do everything they do?
Right now, am I destined to be writing this?

Is our life laid out for us?
Like a blueprint
Or a map?
Is it something we are forced to follow?

Are you all destined to be in this room right now,
Listening to me speak?
If so, how does that work?
Does a higher power like God play a part?
Or is it the opposite,
Does science take the credit?

Is our religion destined?
If I am Catholic,
Is it definitely God that does the planning?
If I am atheist or if I do not believe in a higher power,
Is it definitely science?

Who is to blame for all of your mistakes?
Is it destiny?
Or is it you?
Are all your faults predetermined?
Are they preset?
Was it destiney for me to spell that word wrong?
Or was it my mistake?

Can all of my errors be corrected?
Or only a select few?
Are these select few the ones that are the most important?
Are these the ones that mean the most?
Can the errors that are not chosen still be corrected?

Are you destined to make all the friends that you do?
Even the ones that you’d least expect?
I have a friend.
I hated her.
She’s one of my best friends now.
Was that preset?
Did someone or something plan that?
Or was it my decision?

Do we make any decisions?
Did I make the decision to eat three slices of pizza?
Or was it already set?
That pizza was good, it was from my favorite place.
Were all my favorites predetermined?
Do I really like soccer?
Or was it someone else who thought it would fit me?
Do you really like anything?
Or anyone?

Do I like some people?
Do I love others?
Did I choose which is which?
Do I love my friends?
Do I love apples?
Are they the same?
Who decides which is more important?
Who decides who I meet?
Who decides who I bond with?
Is it all an accident?
Or is it destiny?

Is the person that we fall in love with¬¬—
If we fall in love,
The person we are destined to be with?
Will I ever love someone?
Not just love, but true, everlasting love.
Not loving someone for the idea of them,
But really loving them.
Will they love me back?
How will we meet?

Will we meet by going on a traditional date,
Bumping into each other at the grocery store?
Will it be love at first sight?
Is love at first sight destiny?
What is love at first sight?
Can you fall in love with someone’s appearance or personality?
Or does that mean you
Love the idea of them?

Even if all of our dates are perfect,
Will we last?
Will we get married,
And have kids?
What is our destiny?

If we get married and have kids,
Will they be healthy?
Will we have enough love to share
Between ourselves and with our children?
What if we don’t?
What if the love between us fades?
Was that destined?
Will the shortage of love
Fail our family?

Was my family destined to be “broken”?
Is it a “broken home”?
Is it broken now?
Or fixed now?
Was it ever broken at all?

Was my family’s lack of wholeness
Did someone or something choose us?

Does everyone’s destiny play out,
Exactly how it as supposed to?
Well, it would have to,
Or else it is not destiny.

What is destiny?
It’s supposed to be a plan,
Made by someone or something.
That’s my way of thinking of it.
Can it be changed?
Can one event change your destiny?

Are we planned?
Who came up with destiny?
Who thought of the idea?
Is it true?
What’s my destiny?
Can I see it?
Or would that ruin the surprise?

After thinking about it for this long,
I still don’t understand.
Is any one person destined to do everything they do?
Right now, am I destined to be finishing this?
Will I fall in love, get married, and have kids?
Or will I choose my own destiny?

The author's comments:

What is destiny?

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