A Lifetime | Teen Ink

A Lifetime

April 28, 2016
By Bunnylove SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
Bunnylove SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I should’ve died at the age of six when my mother fell ill,
I should’ve died at the age of ten when my father came home too drunk that night,
I should’ve died at the age of fourteen the first time drugs ever touched my lips,
I should’ve died at the age of eighteen when the pills just got the best of me.
I thought I died at the age of twenty-two when I first saw you standing there.
I thought I could die with you wrapped in my arms, and be happy.
But then we created a beautiful life with you as my wife and
I never thought about death again.
At the age of eighty
With empty rooms of memories
And a life time gone by,
I knew it was time for me to die.

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