It's Better, But Not Really | Teen Ink

It's Better, But Not Really

April 14, 2016
By _alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
_alannahurt SILVER, Snyder, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it to be God.
– Sidney Sheldon

I was in his arms.
His arms were so warm and welcoming.
He’s wonderful, and tells me that I am wonderful.
But I am a liar.
You would think that I would know better.
I thought I would be stronger.
Yet, when I saw his face,
when I saw his tears,
I knew I had to stay.
He did nothing wrong.
Something was wrong with me.
I was damaged in the way I felt.
There was a hole in my heart.
So even though my emotions for him exist
I no longer feel them because they slipped through the hole.
I was in his arm as he hugged me.
He told me he was so glad we worked things out.
He was so glad, and we could be happy now.
Oh- my friend. You are happy holding me.
But I feel trapped, holding on for you.

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