America the Beautiful | Teen Ink

America the Beautiful

January 28, 2016
By GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
17 articles 8 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
What you egg! Young fry of treachery!
[he stabs him]
--William Shakespeare

Why is it so difficult, the life we are living in
We war among ourselves, clash of friend on friend

How can we label ourselves peacefully living beings, when all we do it hurt eachothers feelings

My life, your life, both
Have been corrupted by US
Corportaions smoke, and big gassey bus

We keep fighting, but we’re losing, to US in the plural
Cities taking over, molding rural into monsters of fuel
Polluting by the minute
A tight knit of girls, stick together, one wearing plastic shoes and another a coat of cowskin leather
They stick close, cause their daddy warned them of drugs, guns, and mad-men.
While in the back of his mind, his 45 calibar hidden in the den.
Mother’s worried sick, reading about a deranged lunatic
Her child leaves for school, the rest of the day.
Mama knows not, or seems not to care,
That he is bullied about his wear, his skin and the way he wears his hair.
Unknown, some of you , may not be aware that there are
164 school shootings in America since 2013—let me repeat that…

164 school shootings in American since 2013…
Where have we gotten? Our founding fathers dream-land rotten.
Between gun violence, and commercial wars,  and homeless souls forgotten,
lying on the street, their eyes, people can’t meet.
America the beautiful, is hidden under desks, in TV, packaged foods, and lock and key,
It’s up to our generation to set us free.

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