Sing Their Song | Teen Ink

Sing Their Song

January 13, 2016
By Molly12345 SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
Molly12345 SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I trace my name in the bright lights
that hang from the coal sky.
The twinkling beams form constellations
and tell stories of war and lost love.
A soft breeze swings the hammock and makes the stars dance
and sing a song that’s lasted millions of years.
They tell a tale of watching the human race build itself up
and tearing itself down.
They tell a tale of great things being built
to the cost of trees, soil, and land.
They watched as humanity saved those torn down by war
who had just been condemned by them a year earlier.
They’ve seen us destroy ourselves
with weapons, words, drugs, fear, and pollution.
They have seen us fight back to our feet
only to fall even further than before.

As everything changes, the stars will still be there watching.
They’ll be there to remind us of our past
and the mistakes made.
They’ll be there on nights like this,
to sing their song.

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