Corrupt | Teen Ink

Corrupt MAG

February 5, 2009
By hello.peaches PLATINUM, Greenfield, Massachusetts
hello.peaches PLATINUM, Greenfield, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: i love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
-Pablo Neruda

There are knicks in the
girls’ bathroom doorknob
and I imagine someone has
a homicidal obsession
and that is where they count
their “privileged” victims.

In high school they all say
the universe is ours to save.
But we ended up just
shrugging our shoulders

and pinning each other up against the lockers.

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This article has 71 comments.

alexxeo GOLD said...
on Oct. 20 2010 at 8:15 pm
alexxeo GOLD, Saint Helens, Oregon
12 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Absence from the ones we love is self from self-- a deadly banishment." -William Shakespere

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo De Vinci

"Seduce my mind
...and speak those words to the point of
Hypocrisy never seemed so beautiful.
Your lips have it down to an
art. Oh, I know I'm in love with
Speak to me,
'til your lips are numb.
We'll always have pen and paper. " -By Anonymous, Mississauga, Canada

Nice(: I love the last line, and the shrugging of the shoulders. I love seeing truth in someones work. It's truly beautiful; it's art.

on Sep. 18 2010 at 12:51 pm
sacredlyTimorous, Waynesville, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
i caught myself wanting to read more...wishing it was longer...for mine,yours and everyone elses benefit you should keep writing...

on Aug. 15 2010 at 9:42 pm
Marlyre PLATINUM, Kalamazoo, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 208 comments

Favorite Quote:
"when you cry, do you waste your tears?" Madonna

though obviously spun with a violent tone, it also feels slightly erotic... read some of mine?

on Aug. 5 2010 at 10:26 pm
luckypachyderm SILVER, Medford, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring- Marlyn Monroe

welcome :)

on Aug. 5 2010 at 9:08 pm
hello.peaches PLATINUM, Greenfield, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: i love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
-Pablo Neruda

haha thank you :]

on Aug. 5 2010 at 8:57 pm
luckypachyderm SILVER, Medford, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring- Marlyn Monroe

I really enjoyed your poem, very deep. But mostly i commented to tell you that your name "hello.peaches" is freaking amazing :) it made me smile

on Aug. 5 2010 at 11:08 am
MelanieLouise PLATINUM, Plymouth, Minnesota
37 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
to live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong

wow. great job, it is so strikingly true that i totally get it. awesome work :) keep writing, Mel. oh and if you would do the honors, i would love it if you gave your opinion on some of my work ! again great work.

Snow_White said...
on May. 31 2010 at 1:51 am
i so liked this! good job!

dianaforfree said...
on May. 9 2010 at 2:38 pm

So truthful and bare and plainly delicious. I love.

Do please check out some of my own; they've just posted and I'd love any feedback. Thank you!


mgraves GOLD said...
on May. 9 2010 at 12:53 pm
mgraves GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
13 articles 16 photos 52 comments
very striking. You read through it the first time, pause, read through it again, then it really hits you. great job!

onlyiz said...
on May. 2 2010 at 2:50 am
onlyiz, Boulder, Colorado
0 articles 1 photo 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain

goodness this is brilliant.

GageKing GOLD said...
on Apr. 17 2010 at 2:11 pm
GageKing GOLD, Owatonna, Minnesota
16 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. Sure, everybody wants to play God, but for me it's a full-time job. What you don't understand, you can make mean anything." Jeferree Star

I think that few words can sometimes create the most meaning, unlike the other way aroiund. This poem is very good and I think you should keep writing.

on Apr. 17 2010 at 1:30 pm
EleanorRigby PLATINUM, New York City, New York
28 articles 3 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The optomist proclaims we live in the best of worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true." - James Branch Cabell

I myself find it so very difficult to create meaning with little words, and I end up overdoing many pieces. A ton of the time, poems like these come out irritatingly cheesy, but yours didn't, so congrats and good job!

Eilatan GOLD said...
on Apr. 17 2010 at 9:55 am
Eilatan GOLD, Old Greenwich, Connecticut
11 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody is normal. Everybody in the world is a weirdo freak. Except you, which makes you a weirdo freak."

this is incredible!!!!!!!!!

it's short but it's so meaningful and captures the whole idea so nicely, this is truly a great poem!!!!!!!!

on Mar. 4 2010 at 11:52 am
meganleigh122 GOLD, Greeneville, Tennessee
13 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."

this is really good :) i think u should keep writing cuz i think uacn go places with your talent

on Feb. 19 2010 at 7:21 am
hello.peaches PLATINUM, Greenfield, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: i love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
-Pablo Neruda

yayy! that's always nice to know :]

on Feb. 18 2010 at 7:08 pm
blandiloquentia, Tampa, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose.”
Charles Bukowski


Congratulations. You have impressed a very critical and disagreeable person: me.

on Feb. 10 2010 at 10:08 pm
Poet4ever SILVER, Pocatello, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Guilt by association is guilt nonetheless" CSI: New York

Almost too simple, yet it works. Nice job whoecer wrote it.

on Feb. 10 2010 at 12:08 am
Only,I PLATINUM, Taylorville, Illinois
45 articles 17 photos 123 comments

Favorite Quote:
This too shall pass.

Oh my, utterly amazing.

on Dec. 6 2009 at 8:51 pm
LiGht-ChaseR GOLD, Out There, Oklahoma
11 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins, but in the heart of its strength lies weakness: One lone candle is enough to hold it back.
Love is more than a candle.
Love can ignite the stars." -Matthew Stover

this poem goes so far behind its surface. So true! And so good!