Muses | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By -Mavis- BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
-Mavis- BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"pretty words are worth being cynical over, for they are just baits to be caught in the moment." -mavi

"What exactly would change if I cried, wanted revenge, was consumed by hatred, or went insane with rage?" -Yoshino

"I am your shadow. Worry not for if your light is dim, I will become darker so that you can become more defined.“ -mavi

"We create beautiful things to mask what we destroyed in order to create such.” -mavi

I no longer hear the muses beckoning me to their gates. While I hold the key, it is up to them if I shall use it. I used to hear the sweet ethereal ringing of chimes and bells that were set off by the cascading winds, upon this land.
I know from whence I came but, I am unsure in what direction, a new path should be lain. "Onward!" said with such confidence but, here in this moment, the rustle of tree leaves has gone silent. The world has me now trapped in a vacuum. Woe, for I seek that which is onward but, onward does not seek me. Onward being the future wanting progress, what is it that these muses seek. Tis it the desperate prayers, or might it be when I have finally given in. Do they seek strength, or do they wish weakness, only then to render salvation.

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