In The Shadows | Teen Ink

In The Shadows

November 12, 2015
By haileyishmael BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
haileyishmael BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The happiness was a noticeable absence,
And I continued to mourn,
I continued to tread – I still do,
It’s clear I was breaking apart


When I sit, I put my head down,
Hoping not to be noticed,
My heart is a drum – beating fast,
All while my mind finds itself going numb


It was a bittersweet memory,
It was a stop-keep going moment,
It was a pause-rewind,
It was strangely comfortable


As I replay the events,
The drum has stopped beating,
My mind starts racing,
And time – slows down,


As I hear a ringing in my ears,              
Time is no longer slow,
And the ringing comes to a stop,
Leaving me in a quiet presence,


I catch my breath,
Then fall to my knees,
I scream and yell,
Hoping to be noticed

The author's comments:

This poem comes from personal experience. When I was seven, I lost one of my younger sisters. This poem expresses how I felt after it happened. 

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