Whimsical Accolade | Teen Ink

Whimsical Accolade

June 19, 2015
By J_seals BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
J_seals BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You were given a life because you are strong enough to live it." -Unknown

Mermaids beckon me from turbulent seas
I look down and notice goose flesh knees

Satyrs prance through an open field
Horns and hooves revealed

I’ve dreamt of a world much similar to this
But never thought I’d be standing in its actual bliss

Hearing a faint flutter descend from above
I glance upward to see dainty eyes filled with naught but love

A shimmering fairy dances around my head
Whispering laudations while reaping my maddening dread

“You are home”
Declares the dopey gnome

I believe him
For this is no Brothers Grimm

The elves, ghosts, and griffins are real
This realm has the means to make me kneel

I have been determined to inhabit such a land
Not a single act going unplanned

This is my reward
For wielding such a valiant sword

The author's comments:

This piece is a representation of a world I want to inhabitat in the near future due to my hard work in the real world.

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