ash (may 1, 2015) | Teen Ink

ash (may 1, 2015)

May 14, 2015
By nepetaleiyawn GOLD, Eugene, Oregon
nepetaleiyawn GOLD, Eugene, Oregon
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it." - Buffy Summers
"Seize the moment. Cause tomorrow you might be dead." - Buffy Summers

filling up my lungs
burning, crushing, screaming down my throat
encasing me in it’s smoky prison
devouring me with it’s gnashing teeth
the embers flaring inside me
burning, crushing, screaming in my heart
pulling me towards addiction
away from salvation
all it took was one drag
one pull
one smoke
and i’m trapped in a cage of nicotine
in a menthol prison
locked away
in ash

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