She Was Holy | Teen Ink

She Was Holy

May 10, 2015
By totally-conceited SILVER, New York, New York
totally-conceited SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Oh she was holy
It was only her shoulder blades that cut across the air
And her skin glowed the blue
that the bar’s neon sign lost years ago
OH man she was holy
She spat on the thought of the system
and she crushed the ants beneath her feet
with the soles of her heels
she told me she could hear their souls escape their bodies

She’s paying the bank with dollars that were tucked in her panties
and she only kissed the mouths of people who kissed back
but kissed back with lips that
only whispered sweet everythings to her
her lips were holy
oh man she was holy

she stood in the gutter
and stared at the people who passed by her
and wondered whether they would dare
to be a part of stonewall or
she was holy
she wondered whether they thought women
could ever fight combat
and she wondered why she wondered about these things

maybe its because she played god too much
and crushed things with the soles of her heels
and felt their souls escape their bodies
and whether her heels were big enough
to crush the lips
or those who whispered sweet

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