Haunting | Teen Ink


May 9, 2015
By LarryPulaski SILVER, Bellingham,
LarryPulaski SILVER, Bellingham,
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing."


You feel so desperate

Like nothing will ever change

Like you are suffocating

And you can’t breathe

And you just lie there,

On your bedroom floor,

And cry

And cry

And cry some more

Sometimes it gets to where you don’t see any worth,

In going on

And then sometimes

You just don’t



Oh that can be even worse

You are blank



Not entirely there


You are just fine


It seems fine

But it’s not

Because it is always there

It haunts you

When you should be happy

It tells you again

You are not okay

You can not be happy

And so

You are never happy

And you feel so alone

And helpless

And desperate

And it mocks you

Every time you look into the mirror

There is no escape

That is what you feel

You have given up

You are done

You feel so worthless

You can’t imagine a future

Because sometimes you aren’t so sure

You have much of a future

But you live on


With no love for life

You used to be so full of life

You used to love life

This is not you

Or is it

And still

You march on

Haunted by a ghost

That is more alive than you

A ghost that you have surrendered to

You do not care

And that is you

And every day you tell yourself tomorrow


I will try to get rid of the ghost

And every day

You back down

And every day

You keep on living with the haunting

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