why...why not? | Teen Ink

why...why not?

April 25, 2015
By I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday was history...
tomorrow is a mystery...
let us re write history
figure out the mysteries

Why do we fall?
Why are some people tall?
Why are some people wrong?
Why are there some people who are right?
Why is it that we fall…we find it hard to get up
When we fall, it’s easy right
And it’s frustrating to me really
That I can’t seem to find the light
And when I do, I’m sacred it won’t be bright
Why won’t it be bright?
Why am I sacred?
What am I scared of?
Why can’t I get past the wall?
Am I afraid to fall?
Am I afraid that there is nothing on the other side?
But once again…we don’t know if we don’t try…
I rather die
If I don’t try
So what’s the point…?
Just shut up and put your wings on and fly
Why are we scared of an open field?
It’s where we can all fit in
The opposite of New York City
However, this won’t be a stroll in the park
The real question is,
Why not?
All you have to do is live right?
And when you go to
To rot
Leave no dreams and thoughts
For if you do so
The world will not know
Your dreams, your goals
Or anything you have ever tried to push for
Don’t answer a question with a why
Answer why not
Don’t let your actions
Go to fault
You have one life
And it depends on your reactions
so go...finish it...

complete your dreams...

The author's comments:

the fact the i've always had fear of my capabilities

drowned me with insecuritie

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