Buy Me New Eyes | Teen Ink

Buy Me New Eyes

March 5, 2015
By jennawayiero BRONZE, Big Lake, Minnesota
jennawayiero BRONZE, Big Lake, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

I am interrupted from my “peace” every day,
not from a single someone,
or many “someones,”
but it is my single self,
my single thoughts,
angst and trepidation,
all livid and over-exaggerated.
There are some
that possess the gallantry
to challenge these judgments.
Like the shimmering dawns,
they battle the darkness that
once floods the plains of imagination
and sorrow.
And every window that carries a rose tint
and somehow presents the entirety of the human race
in a such a glamorous but vacant way;
a desolate promise
that embraces no such honesty,
but cradles you,
bathes you,
in such vivid feasibility.
Is it only me that senses its
oh so apparent scathing tone?
It kissed me last night;
pressed its blistering lips
in mocking, cataclysmic manner
against my generally damp cheek.
It was one of the days where
it delivers me pleasure.
It seductively stroked my skin,
exposed me,
made me feel wanted,
but as I reached out to return the passion,
it violently shoved me to the ground
and left me,
vulnerable and raw,
my only choice but to keep enacting the common obliviousness
and to keep marching on…

The author's comments:

The only way we can change the way we live is if we accept that the way we live now is wrong.

Denial is useless and so are lies.

When we finally see the truth in everything, serenity will ensue.

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Joey said...
on Mar. 10 2015 at 6:22 pm
I am so happy for you, Jenna! Great job, your work is remarkable!