Music; what a drug | Teen Ink

Music; what a drug

February 12, 2015
By author122130 BRONZE, Rio Rico, Arizona
author122130 BRONZE, Rio Rico, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
The worst risk taking is not taking one

It vibrates in my veins
Making my blood flow smoother
The beats of my heart race with the beat of the song
The thoughts of my brain travel with the rhythm
My breaths slow down moving the clouds with each note
My soul comes to peace as long as the harmony keeps going
& my dreams flow in the night sky
Becoming one with every star
This broken heart stops shattering as the moon takes each piece
As long as the melody doesn’t stop
The colors that I see once I close my eyes
The colors music makes you see and hear
Such beautiful, unearthly tones of colors
Music; what a perfect drug

The author's comments:

Music does miracles

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