Sweet Summer | Teen Ink

Sweet Summer

February 9, 2015
By gracetink PLATINUM, Buffalo, New York
gracetink PLATINUM, Buffalo, New York
20 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I once saw a bee drowned in honey and Ι understood."
~ Nikos Kazantzakis

The first thing I remember

is my backyard.

Green, bright.


I hear the crows,

talking in their own language.

Flying from tree to tree

passing along a message

as they go.


I taste the sweet,sour, and cold.

My grandmother so kindly

offered me a refreshing cold treat.


Always fruity and juicy,

grape being my favorite.


I see sprinklerrs

spraying and spitting water droplets

in yards surrounding my own.


I touch the yellow swing

neglected by the children of my house.

Cold and calming

it calls for a passenger.


I smell fresh grass,

just cut the night before.

Sitting in piles around lawns,

showing who has mowed recently.

The calming and familiar smell

comforts me.



sweet sweet


The author's comments:

i was told to write a poem about summer including my five sences,and this is waht i thought of.

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